
掃一掃QR碼或條碼,即可獲得諸如Amazon、eBay和Google等等熱門線上服務的額外資訊,而且100%免費!立即建立並分享屬於自己的QR碼,打開URL、連接Wi-Fi熱點、新增行程、讀 ...,Excellentbarcodescanningcapability.Evenblurredbarcodeimagecanberecognizedquickly.Awesome!,BarcodeScannerisasimpleandbeautifulwrapperaroundthecamerawithbarcodecapturingfunctionalityandagreatuserexperience.,ScanbarcodeswithMLKitoniOS·1...

在App Store 上的「QR Code & Barcode Scanner」

掃一掃QR 碼或條碼,即可獲得諸如Amazon、eBay 和Google 等等熱門線上服務的額外資訊,而且100% 免費!立即建立並分享屬於自己的QR 碼,打開URL、連接Wi-Fi 熱點、新增行程、讀 ...

在App Store 上的「Barcode Scanners」

Excellent barcode scanning capability. Even blurred barcode image can be recognized quickly. Awesome!

BarcodeScanner on

BarcodeScanner is a simple and beautiful wrapper around the camera with barcode capturing functionality and a great user experience.

Scan barcodes with ML Kit on iOS

Scan barcodes with ML Kit on iOS · 1. Configure the barcode scanner · 2. Prepare the input image · 3. Get an instance of BarcodeScanner · 4. Process the image.


A library that allows scanning a variety of supported barcodes. It is available both as a standalone library and as an extension for Expo Camera.


BarcodeScanner is a simple and beautiful wrapper around the camera with barcode capturing functionality and a great user experience.

Orca Scan

A barcode app that works with any device. Designed to grow with you, start with smartphones and tablets and add Enterprise scanners when needed.

IPhone Barcode Scanner

3-in-1 Bluetooth & USB Wired & 2.4G Wireless Barcode Reader Portable Bar Code Scanning Work with Windows, Android, iOS, Tablets or Computers


2024年5月29日 — Integrate your iPhone/iPad seamlessly into the workplace with SL220. This innovative sled transforms your smartphone into a smart reader ...

How to Add an iOS Barcode Scanner SDK

2023年10月30日 — This blog explains the key UX and performance principles to successfully integrate an iOS barcode scanning library into your Native iOS app.

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Fastcopy 5.8.1 最快的檔案拷貝工具
